Copy all XML files inside ‘Warna XML Fonts or Colors’ folder and paste to this location
Note: The font that needs to be downloaded is not the same as the XML font files we provide.
Windows OS
Windows 7
Option 1
C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Document Themes 15\Theme Colors
Option 2
C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 15\root\Document Themes 15
Windows 8 and Windows 10
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes\Theme Colors
Mac OS
Mac Office 2011
MacintoshHD\Users:YourUserName\Library\Application Support\Microsoft\Office\User Templates\My Themes\Theme Colors
Note: If you don’t see the Library folder please follow this instructions:
Click the desktop to make sure you’re in the Finder, hold down the Option key, then choose Go > Library
Mac Office 2016
MacintoshHD\Users:YourUserName\Library\Group Containers\\User Content\Themes\Theme Colors
Also try this:
Try to search Theme Fonts, Theme Colors or Document Themes in your hard drive (System) until you can see file location.