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How-To Tutorials

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How to start my project?

  1. Choose the theme you want to use for your presentation project.
  2. Open your ‘slide deck’ file.
  3. Copy the slide you want to use.
  4. Paste it into your project.

Content like fonts and colors will automatically adapt to your theme.

Copy and paste?

Yes, you have to copy and paste. That’s how our products work! Easy and simple to use.

You can copy and paste from ‘Theme A’ to ‘Theme B’ to ‘Theme C’ or copy and paste back to main slide deck. You can delete the default theme’s front page and replace it with another theme’s front page.


Please make sure you have installed Warna XML Colors/Fonts

Go to DESIGN > VARIANTS > COLORS (also available in Slide Master)

If there is a problem in the color scheme and font type settings, you can do it directly from Slide Master.


Please make sure you have installed Warna XML Colors/Fonts


  • Warna Cover: Presentation front page
  • Warna Default: Theme Default
  • WAC: Accent Color
  • WGC: Gradient Color
  • WEH: Extra Header - Additional header layout (Default Color)
  • WB: Blank (Blank slide without slide title and subtitle)
  • WMC: Media Content (Video)
  • WEM: Extra (Additional slide master with default style)

If there is a problem in the color scheme and font type settings, you can do it directly from Slide Master.

Delete your Slide Title or Subtitle, not Text Box

Option 1

You don’t have to delete ‘Text box’ to hide or remove slide title.

Option 2

Go to > Layout > Choose Warna Blank # to hide Slide Title and Subtitle.